The most effective drugs for prostatitis and prostate adenoma

Prostatitis is a dangerous inflammatory disease not only for its symptoms, such as pain, fever and risk of suppuration, but also for its consequences. Among them are infertility, impotence, the formation of a malignant tumor in the tissues of the prostate, the transition of the pathology to a chronic form and the spread of infection to all organs of the genitourinary system.

medicines for prostatitis

Many patients try to find a cure for prostatitis on their own, without resorting to the help of doctors, start the situation and get complications to develop, such tactics are fundamentally wrong. It is easier and faster to cure the acute form of the disease, therefore, at the first suspicious signs that indicate the development of pathology, it is necessary to seek the help of a qualified specialist.

The main cause of acute inflammation of the prostate gland is considered a bacterial infection: it requires the mandatory prescription of antibiotics. The disease in the chronic form is treated longer and more difficult: here the doctor connects immunomodulators, candles, therapeutic massage and physiotherapy.

In this material it will be described which drugs are used to treat prostatitis, the purpose of their appointment and the conditions for taking them. It is introductory, the list of drugs for prostatitis should not be taken as a guide to action, the final selection of therapy is carried out by a doctor.

Antibacterial drugs

Effective remedies for prostatitis, which developed against the background of a bacterial infection, of course, are antibiotics. In addition, doctors prescribe drugs of this group not only for the acute form, but also for the chronic form of the disease, depending on the type of pathogen, clinical symptoms and taking into account the therapy that the patient had previously undergone.

The selection of a suitable drug is carried out after the analysis of the microflora taken from the urethral canal by scraping, as well as the results of blood tests by PCR and prostatic secretion. Most often, doctors select the most effective medicine for prostatitis from the group of the following antibacterial drugs:

  • fluoroquinolones - drugs based on levofloxacin, ofloxacin and ciprofloxacin;
  • tetracyclines drugs;
  • cephalosporins - both for internal use and for intramuscular administration;
  • protected penicillins;
  • macrolides.

It is necessary to talk in more detail about the drugs against prostatitis of the listed groups, their properties, characteristics and groups of microorganisms on which they act.


The fact is that these drugs have the maximum ability to be absorbed into the tissues of the prostate gland, creating a cumulative effect there and leading to a quick relief of the inflammatory process.

Here is a list of drugs from the group of common fluoroquinolones to get rid of infectious prostatitis:

  • Levofloxacin-based drug. Effective against most of the pathogenic microorganisms that cause the symptoms of prostatitis. The drug quickly penetrates into the prostate tissue, where its concentration becomes 4 times higher than in the blood. Under the influence of bacteria they quickly die due to the destruction of cell membranes. The disadvantage is the impossibility of use in tuberculosis, before use it is necessary to conduct an appropriate examination.
  • The drug containing levofloxacin is available in the form of tablets. It concentrates within the cell membranes of pathogenic bacteria, acts rapidly on ureaplasma, mycoplasma, anaerobes, gonococci and other gram-positive and gram-negative organisms.
  • A ciprofloxacin-based drug, which exhibits high activity against a large number of disease-causing microorganisms. Its main advantage is considered to be a rapid effect on the microbial flora, due to which recovery occurs earlier.
  • Antibiotic with the active ingredient ciprofloxacin. It shows high resistance against bacteria that are not affected by drugs from other drug groups (penicillins, macrolides, tetracyclines). It accumulates in the tissues of the prostate, providing a quick-lasting effect.
  • The drug for the treatment of prostatitis based on ofloxacin. It acts on a wide range of pathogens and can be prescribed when complex treatment is required using drugs from the groups of cephalosporins, macrolides and beta-lactam antibiotics.

Of course, an antibiotic from the fluoroquinolone group is a fast-acting cure for prostatitis, but it is necessary to take the drug in the full course recommended by the doctor. If the patient independently cancels the drug after the disappearance of the main symptoms of the disease, the infection becomes a latent (dormant) form and manifests itself in the form of exacerbations of chronic pathology.


Among the drugs of the antibacterial groups, tetracyclines in the treatment of prostatitis began to be prescribed much less frequently. This is due to the large number of side effects and poor patient tolerance. However, there is a drug that is effective against many pathogens and is recommended by doctors in the acute form of the disease.

The main advantage of the drug is the achievement of the maximum concentration of the active substance doxycycline in the tissues of the prostate gland after a few hours. Not recommended for patients with liver and kidney problems, as well as hypersensitivity to tetracyclines.


Preparations for the treatment of prostatitis in men of the cephalosporin group show high activity against a wide range of pathogens. These funds allow you to get rid of microbial flora and prostatitis caused by gonococci, E. coli, Trichomonas, Proteus, Klebsiella, enterobacteria and other pathogens.

The doctor will present a detailed list of contraindications for which cephalosporins should not be used in specific patients, but in most cases these are problems with the liver and kidney systems, as well as hypersensitivity to this series of drugs.


Which drugs for prostatitis from the protected penicillin group can be used to treat this disease depends on the results of the analysis for the type of pathogen and the determination of its sensitivity to drugs.


However, these drugs are highly effective in the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases, have low toxicity, penetrate well into the intracellular space and do not have a harmful effect on the intestinal microflora. Therefore, they are still used for the complex therapy of prostate inflammation, often in combination with cephalosporins.

Doctors also note that drugs from a number of macrolides are very effective in the post-therapy stage, that is, after completing the main course of therapy, for example, fluoroquinolones or cephalosporins.

List of popular drugs

The pharmaceutical market now offers a lot of drugs, among which it is quite possible to choose an effective remedy for prostatitis that affects a specific problem. So, the main complaints of men with this diagnosis are:

  • pain syndrome;
  • loss of full erectile function;
  • problems with urination;
  • pain and discomfort during intercourse;
  • deterioration of general well-being, decrease in the body's defenses.

Doctors always warn patients that they have no idea how many different chemical and herbal preparations as well as dietary supplements are now being sold to combat the listed symptoms of prostatitis.

But not all of them will help a man cope with the disease, since the attending physician should select drugs, taking into account the form and stage of prostatitis, the cause of its occurrence, clinical symptoms and the age of the patient. The following will be a list that lists the best, according to patients and doctors, drugs, but they should be used only on the advice of a specialist, taking into account the dosage and course of therapy.

What kind of medicine to take for prostatitis depends not only on the financial capabilities of the patient, but also on the manifestations of the disease, its form and stage. It is not recommended to independently purchase drugs, even if of plant origin, without a preliminary examination and medical consultation, as there is no universal remedy for prostatitis that will help everyone without exception.

If the drug has proved effective for one man, it can simply harm another, therefore, in the treatment of inflammation of the prostate, it is necessary to exercise extreme caution and act in conjunction with a qualified specialist.